Dean DuPlantier sent a letter to the cathedral community expressing his thoughts about stewardship. To read his letter, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is stewardship and what does it support?
Stewardship begins with prayers of gratitude. Acknowledging all that we have been given, and that our very lives are a gift from above, is powerful practice.
Stewardship supports everything at Christ Church Cathedral — worship, pastoral care, education programs, music, outreach, maintenance of our buildings and more.
Many people only think about a monetary pledge…but consider that many activities around the Cathedral are created, implemented and staffed by volunteers. Your time and talent are needed as well. Think about how you can help bring about God’s kingdom, in terms of your time and your talents in addition to your treasure.
What is a pledge? Why should I pledge?
All members of Christ Church Cathedral are asked to make a pledge of annual financial support to sustain our mission and ministry in the coming calendar year. Pledging lets our leadership plan effectively for the multitude of ministries that connect us to each other. Pledging allows the Vestry to budget responsibly and ensure with confidence that our programmatic needs will be met. New pledges and increases in pledge commitments allow us both to meet increases in annual fixed costs and expand ministry budgets to provide more robust programming and outreach efforts.
Every gift is important and meaningful. To that end, we ask every member to participate by making a pledge.
I already give through the offering plate. Why should I pledge?
Funds collected in the plate each week to support our life and mission are important and we are grateful. However, pledges are vital to establishing our operating budget for the coming year.
Pledging is an intentional decision about financial giving. When you plan ahead for your giving, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways that reflect your faith and values. Making a pledge allows our lay leaders to be able to plan for and build an annual budget. This is similar to the way you establish a personal or household budget based on your anticipated income.
Your pledge honors the reality that only through significant funding can we be a vibrant parish of worship.
How do I fulfill my pledge?
There is a variety of ways for you to fulfill your pledge. We gladly accept cash, checks, credit cards and debit cards, as well as gifts of securities (e.g., stocks and bonds). You can also contribute at whatever interval is best for you: one lump sum, or periodically over the year.
- Cash or checks:
- Pledge offerings may be placed in the offering plate during worship services, dropped off in the church offices, or mailed to the office at 2919 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70115.
- Credit or debit card:
- Our website can securely process your gift. You can click the graphic below to go directly to the donation page.
- Automatic payments:
- Your bank may offer this service directly. If not, contact the church office.
- Securities (stocks, bonds):
- Christ Church Cathedral is happy to accept donations of appreciated stock. Please contact the Cathedral Parish Administrator.
- Onlinegiving:
- To give online, click below follow the instructions below.

We also provide an “I Give Online” card in each pew to conveniently make an online gift at church on Sunday. A QR code in the Sunday Bulletin will also swiftly take you to our online giving webpage.
What if I make a pledge but later find I can’t pay it in full?
While we hope that you will be able to fulfill your commitment, if your circumstances change, please notify the office that you need to adjust your pledge. If you’re blessed with unexpected extra income, you’re always welcome to increase your pledge, as well!
How much should I pledge?
Determining the amount of your annual pledge is between you and God. It is truly a matter of personal and family prayer, reflection and faith.
Please know that your pledge should feel right to you. While you may feel that you cannot give a lot, we are grateful for every penny received. We encourage you to pledge an amount that is both responsible and audacious. This chart may help you decide how much to pledge.
Who knows how much I pledge?
Christ Church Cathedral’s finance office keeps all pledges strictly confidential. A small group of church leaders –the congregation’s elected officers, the chair of the Stewardship Committee, and the rector – may in some cases have access to pledge records for specific purposes. They have all signed confidentiality agreements not to disclose any information they receive.
Is my personal and financial information secure when I pledge or give online?
Yes! All our pledges and online gifts are encrypted and securely processed through Automated Church Systems (ACS), Christ Church Cathedral’s supplier of financial management software. The form is embedded on our site but hosted by ACS. Please contact the parish administrator with questions or concerns.